GIBS Leadership Forum
Keynote Address by President Cyril Ramaphosa at the Gordon Institute of Business Science
Keynote Address by President Cyril Ramaphosa at the Gordon Institute of Business Science
Editing, proofreading, photography, concept development and design services for 2017/18 National Consumer Commission Annual Report
Download Link: National Consumer Commission – Annual Report
Magazine advert for Airlink Cargo published in Freight Traders Weekly Magazine
Full brand identity for fresh produce retailer including: logo development, corporate stationery, packaging design and application to touchpoints and social medial banners.
Design concept submitted for Meetings Africa 2018 Exhibitor Catalogue pitch.
Development of on-demand delivery company website. Scope of work included brand identity development, corporate brochure design and front-end UX/UI design.
Graphic design, concept development and layout of 2016 Financial Report.
Year Completed: 2016 Lead Designer: Graham Kaz
Download Link: Standard Bank Namibia – Annual Report
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